Designed to make managing effectively feel effortless

Backed by science, Waggle frees you up to action management best practice, learn on the job, and lead your team to exceed all expectations.

$0 for 15 days
Backed by behavioural science
Integrate in minutes

Put management best practice
on auto-pilot with Waggle

Set up your team rituals and connect them to your calendar

Your rituals and their cadence are the foundation for effective management and for building the right team culture. Think 121s, team meetings, and career conversations.

Set them up in your Waggle account and connect them to your calendar to guarantee they take place.

Stay on task and on top of your most pressing priorities

As a manager you spin more plates than anyone else in the business. IC responsibilities, managerial duties, communicating up to leadership and down to your team. It's hard to keep those plates from crashing.

Your manager dashboard is there to help you follow through on action items and prepare for meetings while task automation reduces the cognitive load so you can think strategically while bossing your to-do list.

Translate your intentions into actions with just-in-time signals

A good manager doesn’t just know what they should do, they do it consistently over time.

By providing just-in-time signals to managers on best practices right before and during a meeting, Waggle turns your best intentions into action.

Have productive and impactful meetings with your team

Your time with your direct reports is sacred. But too often 121s turn into project check-ins, sprint planning gets off track, and career conversations get pushed until forgotten.

Not with Waggle. Timely nudges prompt appropriate behaviour while task automation puts that behaviour on auto-pilot. You can be there for your team. Like really be there.

Get real-time insights and custom coaching to become a better manager

You can't prepare for every scenario. And that training you took months ago? It's impossible to recall every lesson.

With nudges and AI driven feedback you're able to adapt your management style in real-time and learn how to manage each member of your team.
Poor performance, difficult conversations, career conversations—whatever comes up, you can handle it and carry your learnings into the future.

Waggle helping a manager optimize their calendar.
A management tip from Waggle suggesting they send a note to a team member who presented well.
A video call with Waggle providing useful management tips.
A calendar entry with Waggle providing a helpful management tip ahead of it taking place.

The science behind Waggle

By incorporating proven psychological principles into our design, we fuel managers to motivate and engage their teams, drive performance, and achieve their goals.

EAST Framework

We draw on the EAST Framework developed by The Behavioural Insights Team to craft nudges that are easy and attractive for managers to implement and that will drive engagement and productivity within their teams.

COM-B Model

We use the COM-B behaviour change model to identify and overcome barriers to important manager behaviors and to create the conditions for long lasting behaviour change.

Fogg Model

We apply the Fogg Model of Behaviour Change to trigger effective management practices.

Ready to manage your team, your work, and your time more effectively?

Waggle’s AI co-pilot is here to guide you. Learn as you lead, run effective meetings, and make time to support your team.

Book a demo