5 minute read

The 3 worst types of meetings you can set up as a manager

As a manager, you're probably no stranger to meetings. In fact, you might even feel like you spend more time in meetings than you do "actually" working (NB: at Waggle, we believe running meetings is work, and some of the most effective work you can do as a manager, but only if you know how!).

And while there's no denying that meetings are a necessary part of running a business, they can also be a huge time-suck if they're not managed effectively. A recent study has shown that useless meetings cost companies more than $100 Million a Year!

To help you avoid wasting time (and your team's time), we've compiled a list of the 3 worst types of meetings and how to avoid them. Read on to learn more.

1. The Meeting That Could Have Been an Email

We've all been there: you're sitting in a meeting, nodding along as the presenter drones on, when it hits you that this could have easily been an email. This type of meeting is not only a waste of time, but it's also frustrating for employees who could be using that time to actually get work done.

If you find yourself in this situation, there are a few things you can do to avoid it in the future.

First, ask yourself if the meeting is truly necessary. If it is, consider sending out an agenda beforehand so that everyone knows what will be discussed and why their attendance is required. This will allow them to decline the meeting if they feel they won't benefit from being present.

Finally, make sure to start and end on time so that everyone can get back to work as soon as possible.

2. The One-Way Conversation

Another frustrating type of meeting is the one-way conversation, where the manager does all the talking and the team just sits there and listens. Not only is this type of meeting ineffective, but it can also make your team feel like their opinions and ideas don't matter.

If you find yourself running this type of meeting, try to encourage more interaction by asking questions and soliciting feedback from employees. You may also want to consider breaking up into smaller groups so that everyone has a chance to contribute.

3. The Never-Ending Meeting

We've all been in those never-ending meetings where it feels like nothing is getting accomplished and everyone just wants to leave. These types of meetings are not only unproductive, but they're also stressful for employees who have other things they need to be doing.

If you find yourself in this situation, try setting a timer for each agenda item so that you can stay on track and keep the meeting moving forward.

You should also make sure to take breaks every 20 minutes or so if you're running a long meeting so that people can stretch their legs and take a mental break from the discussion.


Meetings are an essential part of running a team or a business, but they can also be a huge time-suck if they're not managed effectively. By following the simple tips shared above, you can ensure that your next meeting is productive, efficient, and stress-free. Your team will thank you!

For more timely nudges on how to effectively run your team meetings, give Waggle a try!

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