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How on-the-job Management Training can benefit your company

Most people would agree that management training is necessary. The right skills and knowledge are essential for employees to be successful managers. Many companies fail to recognize, however, that on-the-job training is just as crucial - if not more - as classroom training. Research shows that on-the-job training is one of the most worthwhile investments a company can make.

1. The importance of on-the-job management training

The development of management skills requires on-the-job training. Employees can learn by doing when they are in charge of people and projects. This type of training allows employees to apply what they’ve learned in a real-world setting, which helps them to learn faster and retain more. Furthermore, on-the-job training can help employees improve their skills by getting feedback from their managers and team members.

2. Why companies should focus on on-the-job training over classroom-based training

Rather than classroom-based training, companies should focus on on-the-job training when training new managers. There are a few reasons for this:

As a result of on-the-job training, employees can put their newly acquired knowledge into practice immediately. This is crucial because new managers need to be able to put their skills into practice as soon as possible. They can’t learn everything they need to know in a classroom, and then expect to be able to manage a team successfully.

On-the-job training is more affordable than classroom-based training. It’s also more flexible, which means that companies can tailor it to meet their specific needs.

On-the-job training is more effective than classroom-based training. Employees are more likely to remember what they learn when they can put it into practice immediately. And by practicing new skills on the job, employees are more likely to use them correctly.

Classroom-based training can be boring for employees. They may feel like they’re just going through the motions and not learning anything useful. On-the-job training, on the other hand, is interactive and engaging. Employees are more likely to pay attention and learn something new when they’re actually doing the job they’re being trained for.

Managers of managers know this because they've been through the mill with traditional, ineffective training (if they received any at all).

3. How on-the-job management training can benefit employees and the company as a whole

On-the-job management training is one of the most worthwhile investments a company can make. This type of training should not be done in a classroom setting, but rather on the job where trainees can put their newly acquired skills into practice. By doing this, companies can ensure that their employees are adequately trained to handle the many responsibilities that come with managing people and projects.

One of the biggest benefits of on-the-job management training is that it allows employees to develop habits and nudges that will help them succeed in their roles. For example, trainees can discover how to give clear instructions, set achievable goals, and give timely feedback. They can also learn how to effectively manage their time and resources, and how to deal with difficult situations.

In addition to benefiting employees, on-the-job management training also benefits companies by helping them build a culture of continuous learning. When employees are constantly learning new things, it makes the company more innovative and resilient. It also helps employees stay engaged and motivated, which can lead to higher productivity and lower turnover rates.

4. Tips for implementing successful on-the-job management training programs

When it comes to management training, on-the-job is the way to go. Here are four tips to ensure your program is a success:

1. Make it habit-based

One of the key ways to make sure newly acquired skills stick is to turn them into habits. When management training is habit-based, employees learn how to apply new techniques in their day-to-day work. Not only does this make training more effective, but it also simplifies the job of employees. This is because they don’t have to remember a new set of rules every time they start a project.

2. Use nudges

In addition to habits, nudges can also be helpful when it comes to implementing on-the-job management training. Nudges are subtle cues that remind employees of what they need to do to achieve their goals. When used correctly, nudges can help employees stay on track and make sure they are using the new skills they gained in their training.

3. Encourage continuous learning

The most successful managers are always learning. They know that continuous learning is essential for success in any field. As such, it’s critical to encourage employees to keep learning even after they finish their management training program. This can be done by offering continued education opportunities or simply by praising employees who take the time to do so on their own.

4. Let employees put their new skills into practice

The most effective way to learn is by doing. That’s why it is crucial for management trainees to put their new skills into practice as soon as possible. By doing this, they will not only learn faster, but they will also be able to apply what they’ve learned in a real-world setting.

5. Examples of on-the-job management training programs that have been successful in the past

There are many known successful on-the-job management training programs. One example is the apprenticeship program at Siemens. This program allows new managers to shadow experienced managers and learn by doing. Trainees are given real-world projects to work on and are coached and mentored by more experienced managers. As a result, they are able to learn the ropes of managing people and projects quickly and effectively.

Another example is the rotational program at GE. This program allows new managers to rotate through different departments and gain experience in a variety of areas. As they rotate through different departments, they are given the opportunity to learn about different aspects of the business, such as finance, marketing, and human resources. This type of program is beneficial because it allows new managers to find their niche within the company and develop the skills necessary to be successful in that role.

At Google, management training is a continuous process that is tailored to the individual. New managers are given a mentor and are expected to meet with them regularly to discuss their progress and challenges. They are also given access to a variety of resources, such as online courses, books, and articles.


If you’re looking for a way to give your employees the skills they need to be successful managers, on-the-job training should be at the top of your list. And Waggle can help make that happen. Waggle is the first tool, specially designed to help first-time managers learn how to effectively lead their teams, through building better management habits.

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